Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Punk'in seeds

I have been on a seed kick lately. My family is thanking me for it.

2 cups of pumpkin seeds, raw, unsalted (sunflower seeds)
2 tablespoons of melted Earth Balance butter (or a high-heat oil with salt)
1-2 teaspoons of your favorite sauce (hot sauce, tabasco, vegetarian Worcestershire sauce, teriyaki sauce, Goddess Dressing, maple syrup, whatever!)

Turn on the oven to 250. Mix all the ingredients up. Lay the seeds on a baking pan. If they are shell-free, bake for about 15-20 minutes. If they have shells you want to leave them for longer, like an hour. Periodically check on them.

Sprinkle them on salads, stir fries, mashed potatoes, whatever you want. Eat em plain. If you made them sweet, put em on ice cream or breakfastnoa.

Pumpkin seeds have fiber, minerals, protein, vitamin e, and happy peaceful making neuro-chemicals. Not too shabby. Shy eats these by the fistful! Roasting the seeds takes away some of the health benefits so try not to roast for very long or eat them raw.

Site on the health benefits of pumpkin seeds: http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/10-health-benefits-of-pumpkin-seeds.html

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